Women's life in Joseon Dynasty; Traditional to Contemporary Hanbok in Fashion Language

Lee Hyunju

Her specific areas of interest lie in marketing and business, and she has gained valuable knowledge and skills through her internships as an undergraduate. It is through the experiences she gained while studying and working in different environments that has enabled her to be adaptable and quick on her feet.

Women’s life in Joseon Dynasty; Traditional to Contemporary Hanbok in Fashion Language is an exhibition that celebrates the exquisite beauty of the traditional and contemporary hanbok, with a focus on women’s lives in the Yangban (traditional ruling class) of the Joseon dynasty.

The exhibition features a collection of hanbok garments that feature intricate craftsmanship and artistic designs, pieces that have been passed down through generations of Korean artisans. It also showcases designs of contemporary hanboks.

The exhibition concept re-creates 3 cultural settings that women experienced during the Joseon dynasty (home, wedding and work), along with traditional garments.

Women’s life in Joseon Dynasty; Traditional to Contemporary Hanbok in Fashion Language is an exhibition that celebrates the exquisite beauty of traditional and contemporary hanboks.

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