Vernice Tia

Vernice is a multifaceted artist whose personal vision lies in an unabated desire to create a distinctive mode of storytelling through creative direction and fashion styling. Her work evokes a paradigm shift in perspectives to inspire her audience. Think of her as a fashion-creative nucleus who strives to remain conversant with the emotive narratives in fashion imageries.

YOU & I WILL SOON BE DUST is an online journal dedicated to inspiring individuals by helping them to understand the process of confronting and overcoming their traumas. This is done by translating into tangible the relationship between the self and intangible memories, a process that will help redeem one’s sense of self.  

Through the chronicles in YOU & I WILL SOON BE DUST, the publication serves as a dynamic platform to enforce conversations within the self, and to evoke greater depths of introspection that will shape our contemporary experience.

We care about uplifting, through the fashion lens, the creative voices behind the venture of self-discovery and redemption.

This project deconstructs the codes and emotional sentiments abstracted through the visualisation of traumatic memories. To grow is to let go and move on, to allow your pain and emotional distress fade to dust.

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