Haram Scarum

Nur Azri Binte Abdul Talib
Haram Scarum

Nur Azri focuses on fashion marketing, aiming to craft impactful campaigns through cross-cultural advertising, trend-spotting, and engaging storytelling. In the dynamic marketing realm, she is eager to grow and remains committed to pushing the boundaries of fashion.

"Haram Scarum" confronts societal restrictions and the suppression of open dialogue around the Malay women's body that perpetuates the restriction of self-expression and desires. The Quran and Hadiths dictate the qualities and behaviour expected of women, influencing their lives from birth. The project aims to dismantle these barriers, providing a platform for multifaceted discussions on Malay Muslim culture and women's identities. By showcasing diverse viewpoints and experiences, we share unique stories within shared beliefs, fostering a more inclusive understanding of self-expression.

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