Dear Bao Bao 亲宝包

Sim Hayley

Sim Hayley's primary mode of creative expression is through crocheting—a labour of love and a means to preserve memories. She integrates knitwear with her cultural heritage, aiming to tell stories through her craft. Additionally, she dabbles in content creation.

Dear Bao Bao 亲宝包 presents handcrafted bags inspired by nostalgic Singapore, serving as fashionable time capsules that evoke joy and sentimentality. The name 'Dear Bao Bao 亲宝包' is a playful fusion of the Chinese characters 宝 băo (meaning 'treasure' or 'loved one') and 包 bāo (meaning 'bags'), highlighting our bags as cherished treasures. Nostalgic visuals and curated playlists transport you back to your Singaporean childhood. The brand aims for these bags to become cherished heirlooms, celebrating culture and lasting for generations to come.

Dear Bao Bao 亲宝包 presents handcrafted bags inspired by nostalgic Singapore, serving as fashionable time capsules evoking joy and sentimentality.

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