The Car Is Not Just A Car

Nawfal 'Aqasha Bin Mohamad Fairuze

A work-driven individual who is passionate about communicating his personal experiences through visual and artistic photography or videography concepts. He has an open mind and strives to constantly improve his character and skillsets from his experiences.

Being a creative and a founder of a car community brand, Izzraimy talks about his inspirations and interests on why he started what he started, and how he wants to fuse his love for fashion and cars into one passion. There is a perception that car owners and enthusiasts like Izzraimy are hooligans and a social stigma, but this is not the case for his brand Basement One. The car community lifestyle brand hosts car meets every month for the community and the public to showcase what car culture is all about.

Escape into Car Culture with Izzraimy as he talks about his car community lifestyle brand Basement One.

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