In Our Possession

Leong Jia Yin

As an individual working in the creative industry, Leong Jia Yin finds inspiration in the natural world and the beauty it offers. In her final-year project, through the tactile nature of embroidery and textiles, she strives to create pieces that capture the essence of nature while also reflecting her own unique experiences and perspectives.

In Our Possession is a textile collection that explores the sense of attachment and familiarity between individuals and clothing, focusing on the connection to nature through the theory of self-concept and environment identity. It highlights the ways in which our environment can become intertwined with our identities and memories.

The collection showcases elements, such as the fine details in the flowers, which are translated into textiles to express the emotional bond between the user and the maker. The textiles in the collection hold the ‘conversation’ and ‘memories’ of the maker, allowing users to experience a more profound sense of attachment and familiarity to the clothing.

Highlights the sense of attachment and familiarity through the contrast between nature and the ‘sufferings’ of the fashion industry.

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