"Let them eat Kueh"

Lee Zhixuan Ericia
"Let them eat Kueh"

Lee Zhixuan Ericia is an aspiring multidisciplinary creative interested in fashion. Through her final year project, she seeks to reconnect with and pay tribute to her Peranakan culture, blending innovation with style to make her mark in fashion.

"Let them eat Kueh" is a fashion film depicting a three-generation family's journey through the evolving landscape of Peranakan culture. As they prepare an all-kueh Tok Panjang dinner, the film explores generational differences and the fading presence of this heritage. Through lighthearted visuals blending food and fashion culture, particularly Nyonya Kueh, it reframes Peranakan tradition in a modern context. The narrative underscores the culture's adaptive essence within a contemporary family, stressing the significance of preserving and passing down this rich heritage to future generations.

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