Arshia Aggarwal

Arshia Aggarwal is a creative director who fuses inspiration from Indian classical dance with modern fashion trends. Her background in Bharatnatyam foregrounds her exploration of her Indian heritage, resulting in art that combines rich storytelling and rhythmic precision. Her approach renews traditions, making them relevant to the current fashion industry.

The publication "NISAAR" addresses the issues currently facing Generation Z while bridging cultural and generational gaps. Reimagining traditional Indian deities within a modern context offers a pathway for Gen-Z to connect with their cultural heritage, find inspiration, and seek guidance in navigating the complexities of the contemporary world. Moreover, it fosters inclusivity and acceptance, promoting unity amidst diversity. "NISAAR" aims to empower Generation Z to preserve their cultural identity and construct a more inclusive and progressive future by fostering a discussion between tradition and innovation.

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