Asmara by Husna

Nur Husna Zulyadain

Nur Husna Zulyadain is a resourceful creative professional passionate about Malay culture. She is dedicated to preserving Malay heritage while incorporating modern elements into her art. Husna focuses on empathy and aims for an inclusive portrayal of women, guided by the desire to present Malay culture in a renewed light.

At Asmara, jewellery represents a profound expression of culture and heritage. Drawing inspiration from Malay dance, Asmara crafts exquisite handmade pieces that radiate beauty and elegance. The brand's name, derived from Urdu meaning "Beautiful Butterfly," embodies its dedication to craftsmanship and heritage. Each piece is crafted with love and meticulous attention to detail, reflecting the brand's commitment to quality. Inspired by Malay folklore such as "Batu Belah Batu Bertangkup," Asmara reimagines these narratives, infusing them with vibrancy and brightness. Through its jewellery, Asmara invites audiences to experience the richness of Malay culture and storytelling.

Drawing from Malay folklore, Asmara reimagines culture and heritage in vibrant handmade jewellery.

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