Metaphorical Sense

Jang Yeon Jung
South Korea

Jang Yeon Jung is interested in pushing the boundaries of fashion through a distinctly poetic approach that weaves narratives into the movement and form of fabric. Through the lyricism of her creations, she invites her audience to explore artistry and social conscience through fashion.

This collection is inspired by a series of photographs captured at a redevelopment site by Kuem Hye Won, raising awareness of housing issues amid South Korea's rapid economic development. It underscores the belief that owning a house reflects one's identity, extending to pursuing wealth and mirroring societal dynamics. As our society transforms, our mindset and values are intricately influenced. Within the collection, Jang Yeon Jung explores the interplay between society and individuals amid constraints, expressed through twisting and reshaping. These actions alter object forms in response to movements. They serve as a powerful metaphor for the evolving relationship between individuals and their surroundings.

An exploration of society-individual interplay, twisting and reshaping forms to symbolise evolving relationships between individuals and their surroundings.

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